Detail of the Koe-thaung Temple, the temple of the 90,000 Buddhas, built by King Min Dikkha during the years 1554-1556 in Mrauk U, Rakhin State in Myanmar. PIX : © Thor Jorgen Udvang, Dreamstime.com
Located to the north of old Loung-kret city twelve successive kings ruled the kingdom from the seat of this royal city. In the area of this old city still exists Par-ri-taw Pagoda, Nar-ri-taw Pagoda King Kawliya's palace grounds. North of the area is the old city of "Parein" which is located to the east of Mrauk-U. The other side of old Parein city across the river is the area of royal city of Toungu Nay-rein-za-ra that flourished before Loung-gret city (1160-1250 A.D.).
Aung, Myar. Famous Monuments of Mrauk-U (Useful Reference for Tourists and Travelers). (2nd ed.). Yangon
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