Nowadays, as tourism has developed in Myanmar, the old city of Mrauk-U can be easily accessible from Myanmar proper, and the routes to be chosen in advance by local and foreign tourists, pilgrims, researchers and tour guides are described in the following.
1. From Yangon to Sittway (Along Ann Mountain - Pass by Car)
The traveler is required to take express cars such as Rama Zarni, Roma Swann-arn, Toe Ratana or King Star stationed at Aungmingala Highway Car Terminal in Yangon along Ann mountain - pass of Yangon - Sittway Highway, newly - constrcted route. On arrival at Mrauk-U which is along the route close to Sittway, the traveler can drop there.
2. From Yangon to Sittway (By Costal Liner)
Coastal liners, M.V. Hakha, M.V. Myitkyina and M.V. Taungyi owned by Myanmar Five Star Shipping Enterprise travel to Sittway routinely. A traveler can proceed to Mrauk-U onward from Sittway.
3. From Yangon to Toungup (Along T0ungup Mountain - Pass by Car)
The traveler is required to take express cars such as Ann Roma, Roma Thait-Sa, Thikhita, Ray Aung Lan, Toe Ratana, Dwarawady, Mar Thisar, Ran-taing-aung, Aung Thait-Sa, Anauk Roma or Roma Zarni staioned at Aungmingala Highway Car Terminal in Yangon along the Tounggup-pass and takes a rest at Toungup.
4. From Toungup to Sittway (By Water)
The coastal ships run by Government - owned Inland Water Transport, ships owned by Aun-Pauk-Wa Co.Ltd, Maykha and Malikha speed-boats plying Toungup and Sittway and proceed to Mrauk-U either by car or by water.
5. From Yangon to Sittway (By Air)
First, a traveler has to take a plane from Yangon to Sittway. Air-ticket is sold at Myanmar Airways office located at the corner of Strand Road and 37th Street, Yangon. Also can take F-28 jet or Air Mandalay plane for Yangon-Sittway route. It takes nearly an hour to arrive at Sittway airport.
6. From Sittway to Mrauk-U (By Car)
A traveler can take the express car run by Shwepraythait, Toe Ratana, Roma Zarni or King Star staioned at Highway Car Terminal, Mong-gan Ward in Sittway or other hired car from Sittway to Mrauk-U.
On the way, one has to cross Kispanadi river bridge. Not long, one can pay homage to the historic Mahamuni Image near Kyauktaw when the car stops for a while. It takes over five hours from Sittway to Mrauk-U by car.
7. From Sittway to Mrauk-U (By Water)
A passenger may take vessels owned by Inland Water Transport or private - owned powered boat, ship and other powered vessels from the jetty at Sat-ro-kya jetty in north Sittway. In the afternoon, he will arrive at Mrauk-U.
Malikha speed boat owned by Malikha Transport Co. Ltd ferries Sittway to Mrauk-U depending on the availity of passengers.
Due to various circustances, a person may choose day, date and time to facilitate his / her requirements.

Aung, Myar. Famous Monuments of Mrauk-U (Useful Reference for Tourists and Travelers). (2nd ed.). Yangon, Myanmar. Middle Line. P.20, 21
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